Ladies First (2017)
9 March 2018
Ladies first is about an inspirational survival story of Deepika Kumari who came from poverty and is now an Olympic archer. Ladies first is directed by Uraaz Bahl.

This is a very inspirational film, and a well made film. The direction is very subtle, not as subtle as The Traders. But still subtle and laid back, in a good way. What I found most surprising about this film was its fantastic editing. My favorite moment was when Kumari is in a tense position in an archery game and she is about to fire an arrow. But before it fires it cuts away then fades into another scene, that's simply sublime editing.

However there are some nitpicks about the film that drag the experience of the film down in my opinion. Most importantly, I wanted to know more about Kumari and look deeper into her experiences, some bits just felt like they were there for a brief moment then were never really looked at again. In my opinion this should have been a feature length documentary because I would have loved to know more about the challenges Kumari faced, and the way she overcame them.

Overall a really great film and I recommend it to anybody reading this review.

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