A most enjoyable romantic comedy.
10 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, a most enjoyable romantic comedy, with an accent firmly on music and song. Skilfully directed from a most entertaining script with a roster of extremely likeable players (except of course for heavies Quinn and Pendleton), it's no wonder the film proved such a box-office bonanza for Paramount. Four of the five songs especially composed for the film (the exception of course is "Kaigoon" which is okay as a native dance number but is not a patch on the zippily witty "Captain Custard" or the charmingly off-beat "Sweet Potato Piper" or the agreeably romantic "Too Romantic" or the beautifully balladic "The Moon and the Willow Tree") deserved nominations for the "Best Song" Oscar, but none did receive that honor. Who remembers the actual winners, "It's a Blue World" or "Waltzing in the Clouds"?

Lamour of course provides the film's romantic focus, whilst Hope and Crosby (joined briefly by Colonna) supply the slapstick, the clever banter and the perfectly timed repartee. So well do the principals play in tandem, you'd think they'd been acting together for years. It's hard to credit this is the first film in the series. True the humor is not quite as crazy as in some of the other entries, but is that a disadvantage?

Beautifully photographed with excellent production values, The Road to Singapore adds up to exceptional entertainment.

Although the critics were lukewarm, the public found this initial teaming of Crosby, Hope and Lamour impossible to resist. And no wonder. The film has a joy, a carefree spirit, an anti-materialistic edge, and yet is so glossily and expertly presented that there don't seem to be any categories of picturegoer to whom the film would not appeal. The melodious Crosby, the quippy Hope, the alluring Lamour, and all set in rich and/or exotic locales, teeming with favorite support players like the lovably irascible Charles Coburn or the lovely if demanding Judith Barrett.
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