Review of Romeo 3000

Romeo 3000 (2018)
Interesting take on the bard
12 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this movie at the premier. It's always nice to see the Capitol Theater in Rome being used especially by a local production company. I have a great deal of respect for all people associated with this latest project. I really thought the movie was a bit too long and seemed to drag on in parts. The sound seemed to fade in and out too much for me as I was struggling to understand the dialogue. Some of the background music was drowning out the dialogue of the actors. The thing that made me laugh was during the scene where Lord Capulet was being shown the body of Mercutio. The dead actor blinked 3 times. I would have thought that scene should have either been cut or reshot. The last half of the movie seemed to flow better as there was a little more action. Overall, I did enjoy this movie and wish nothing but the best on this production company's future projects. May the dead never blink!
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