Solid, efficient and unpretentious.
12 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
An undercover policeman, Inspector Gerald Blake (Patrick Holt), robs a jewelry store, gets caught and sent to prison before escaping to enable him to infiltrate a criminal gang lead by Larry Conn (Robert Ayles). He successfully secures Larry's trust by pulling off a raid on a warehouse in which a valuable consignment of nylons are stolen. As a result, Larry trusts Blake to accompany him on what will be his last and biggest job yet. A ship is arriving from America containing £50,000 worth of furs and the job is to steal them from the warehouse on the docklands. However, one of Larry's gang, Mac (Mike Brennan), doesn't like Blake and is sure he is an undercover cop. But, Mac isn't as in favour with his boss as Blake is and decides to prove himself right in order to curry favour with the big man. Meanwhile, Larry's girlfriend, Judy (Sandra Dorne), sees Blake as an opportunity to get away from him and offers to help him pull a double cross and take the loot for themselves. Little does she realise that he is a policeman and that is not the sort of double cross he has in mind...

Solid, efficient and unpretentious crime drama from Bob Baker and Monty Berman's Tempean Productions who made some of the best British 'B' pictures of the 50's. This doesn't really measure up with their best work since the script by John Gilling is a pretty standard crime story. Yet, there is still some fun to be had here with Patrick Holt surprisingly effective as the tough, hard boiled and daring undercover man and his real life wife Sandra Dorne is striking as the streetwise and easy going girlfriend of Robert Ayles. This part is a decided contrast to the role she played as the femme fatale in Wolf Rilla's excellent noir b-pic Marilyn (1952) and displayed her range and diversity as an excellent 'B' film leading lady.

Efficiently directed by Bob Baker who succeeds in constructing some smooth suspense out of the scenes between Holt and Brennan as the latter follows him everywhere he goes making it harder for him to pass information on to his contact man without giving them both away. Look out for Dora Bryan here in an amusing small part as a nosy neighbour who inadvertently gives him away out in a busy London street when she is out shopping with his on screen wife Joan (Sonia Holm).
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