The Flash: Enter Flashtime (2018)
Season 4, Episode 15
first ralph-less episode in a while, first fantastic episode in a while
14 March 2018
Ever since ralph dibney was brought on as a character the show has gotten increasingly more annoying. i absolutely hated the episode before this one using a female character we barely knew to fuel angst for him, killing her just so he could have "real" motivation to take down devoe (even though he only knew her for like two days, but i digress). this episode is the first one that i can remember since ralph was introduced that didn't have him in it, and the first one in a long time that i have genuinely enjoyed. this episode reminded me why i started watching the flash in the first place, why i fell in love with all the og characters, why i love barry and iris so much, and really reminded me what the core of this show was and it's that there's ALWAYS another way. a major arc in season one was barry being a different type of hero than oliver queen of arrow fame, and i felt like we really got a glimpse of that season-one barry again, going to his very limit to save as many people as possible. @ the flash writers, PLEASE stop sacrificing the quality of your show to further develop a sleezy straight white man, you always shine when you don't.
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