Really Me (2011–2013)
Surprisingly funny! Really Me will Really catch you off-guard!
14 March 2018
When I first came across this show, I didn't expect to like it. You do have to give it a chance to grow on you. The jokes, and all the characters are great. The 2 leads, Sydney Imbeau & Kiana Madeira, play best friends Maddy & Julia and they will charm you. But the characters I found to be the most hilarious are Wesley Morgan's & the SUPER chill-out relaxed producer's assistant, 'Feldman'. Morgan plays the muscular, dim-witted older brother- with some funny, original jokes will surprise you and have you laughing.

It's about a teen girl that wins a contest to get her own reality TV show. The production crew hang around Maddy's home and interact with her and her family. Even the dad and younger brother have some funny lines, PUNS, and antics.

One episode that stands out in my mind is the home-schooling one. Dad says to Brody (Morgan- Grading his 'exam') "You get an H!" ...Brody confused: "An H?! Is that good?!" ... I couldn't help but to laugh. If only I were a straight H student.

Give it a chance before passing judgment on it- you might be surprised. (currently on Netflix, 3/14/18)
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