A new way of making a movie based on true events.
19 March 2018
How do I even begin to explain my feelings about this movie. It´s a really really good movie. Just the way it is shot and made, the actors, the feeling you get as a audience, is just breathtaking. As a person that hasn´t lost anyone in the shooting that day, this movie made me care about the lead role, Kaja (Andrea Berntzen). I felt desperate, and helpless since I couldn´t intervene and help out. Not to say for certain, but that is probably what many felt when they were running for their lives.

Eirik Poppe made this movie all about "Kaja" and her mission on finding her sister. It is based on true stories that has been told by the youth that were there, which gives the movie a more believable plot that strikes where it hurts. The movie is a one-take film that lasts as long as the attack did in real life, and that gives a you another perspective on how long it took for the help to come.

I just wanted the movie to end after a little while to be honest, because the movie just really struck me and it got too real at times. This is not a movie I would recommend to everyone. If you want to watch it, just remember that this all happened for real. You might not be as tough as you think, I know I was certainly wrong about that. If you were there or have experienced something like that before, I would not recommend you seeing it, but of course you should decide that for yourself. Don´t get me wrong, this is a really good reminder of what happened 7 years ago and how it all went down, and I totally understand why this movie was made, but there is no way for me to say that this movie didn´t make me feel bad. It made me feel like shit, and nauseous all at once.
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