Lovely to Watch, but Very Little Thrills
19 March 2018
Rich and pretty Deepa (Sharmila Tagore) comes to Paris to get away from failed relationships in India. She meets Sam (Shammi Kapoor), who falls in love with her and tries to win her affection. In the meantime, wicked gambler Shankar and his evil friends are scheming a way to get Deepa's money. What follows is kidnapping, impersonation, and dangerous adventures.

Filmed in four locations outside India, An Evening in Paris is lovely to watch. As for the plot-- the better part of the first hour of the is spent with Deepa in various locations, pretending to ignore Sam who is behind her, singing. All the excitement comes in the last 30 minutes or so, and the climax occurs too quickly. Kapoor is energetic and exuberant in every movement, which is entertaining. Tagore, who shocked the public by wearing a bikini, does a nice job of playing a double role. The music, and there is a lot of it, is catchy with a definite 60's feel to it. Tagore's costumes were exceptionally lovely. Overall, though the acting is great, the movie is somewhat dull up until the "thriller" aspect begins, and there just isn't enough suspense to make it better than okay.
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