The X-Files: E.B.E. (1994)
Season 1, Episode 17
Little Green Dance!..
20 March 2018
This episode is a classic that represents the tone this series has. It has extraterrestrial elements, unexplained phenomenon, the distinct personalities of agents Mulder and Scully, as well as the way the secret government operates (as in the case of Deep Throat.)

One cannot keep away from the show after getting the strong taste out of this episode.

Okay, to the bottom of this:

We could say that for nearly half a century, the voices from the USA have been trying to raise awareness to the possibility of "trewe encounter with the extraterrestrial beings" that are later to be cleared away, or denied existence by the secret government of the USA.

Moreover, this claim or "idea" was adopted by the everyday folk and the outsiders in the community, as well as the artists that would produce books, movies and series.

To this point, everything seems normal. Yes.

But what if they are spreading the claims on purpose?.. "They" as in the secret people that hold the emperialistic ropes.

We are now used to the idea of "extraterrestrial beings on Earth." So, when the oil drains, the excuse to invade countries, or to practise the eugenics under the false pretence that the DNA is retrieved from the "little green men."

Am I too hysterical?.. Oh, maybe I, too, am in this...

Woe... I have just helped the cause.

P.S.: If my culture is concerned, Islam is not against the possibility of extraterrestrial life whatsoever.

It is even mentioned in the Gracious Koran that there are the Djin alongside the Human, the Animal, the Plant on this Earth. So, what is not mentioned or hinted at in Islam simply cannot "exist" not!..

For instance, it says there is no god other than Allah, it disavows any other god. (Relax, people! For the believer, this is!)

Furthermore, the Koran, on a number of Verses, warns the believer to draw lessons from the the sky, the Earth, and the existence in between.


"O company of jinn and humankind, in case you are able to penetrate (all) regions of the heavens and the earth, then penetrate (them)! Ye will never penetrate them save with (Our) all-binding sanction."

The 33rd Verse of the 55th Chapter (The Beneficent) in the Gracious Koran.

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