NET Journal: Father Dan Berrigan: The Holy Outlaw (1970)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
Forgotten heroism that needs to be remembered
21 March 2018
This fine documentary, somewhat fittingly rough & unpolished, but heartfelt, deals with the 4 months that Father Daniel Berrigan was underground from the FBI. He had participated in & led the burning of draft records in an act of civil disobedience, was tried & found guilty, and then saw no good reason to cooperate with The Powers That Be, who had convicted him for choosing to (in his own words) "burn paper instead of children."

The furtive interview footage is from various homes that sheltered Father Berrigan during those months, allowing him to state his very devout reasons for resisting an immoral, illegal war as best he could. At one point he appears at a Sunday service, preaching a powerful sermon, and then returning underground - delightful!

You can only find this footage online at present, and that's a shame. It should be preserved on DVD, along with other such video documents of a time when decent Americans opposed the insanity of war, injustice, needless death in the name of power. We need more people like Father Berrigan today.
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