The X-Files: My Struggle IV (2018)
Season 11, Episode 10
The world of the X-Files will continue to spin, with or without a Season 12, but what we got tonight was beautiful closure should this truly be the end for us as an audience.
22 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
With over 25 years of history, including numerous unforgettable stand alone stories and a ritch, yet intentionally complex mythology arch, leaving you guessing and searching for the truth, we finally come to the end, at least for now. Chris Carter has said from the beginning that this series would follow these characters in the here and now, and he delivers. The last two seasons have a lot of controversy tied to them, with some fans having a difficult time adjusting to 2018 Mulder and Scully. These seasons were excellent in their delivery, from the mythology arch to the stand alones in-between. There were a lot of throwbacks, mixed with new and fresh material that recaptured the feel of the 90's, yet bringing it into a modern context. Starting with My Struggle I, the past isn't ignored, it's just that, the past. We learn what has happened in the time we last saw Mulder and Scully. The alien colonists have abandoned their plans, the Cancer Man has survived, Monica has turned and Mulder and Scully are estranged. Both agree to rejoin the FBI and X-Files, but their cause is not the same, their primary reason is not to uncover truths, but to find their son, William and the X-Files is their best option. This is evident in Mulder's caracter throughout seasons 10 & 11, he's still Mulder, but the search for truth isn't as important to him as it once was, the passion is deminished, that is until they come close to tracking down Wiliam, then we see the Mulder we all remember from the past, a driven, and obsessed man desporate to find the truth. For Mulder, William is the only truth that really matters now. In the finallie, Mulder finally comes to realize his truth, that William was not his son, nor was he Skully's. Like Emily, he was an experment. As heartbreaking as that was for fans, it was increased a thousand-fold for Mulder and Skully, a truly powerful moment. In a bid for power, CSM and the "New Cyndacite" try to track down William, to bring the colonists back or take the earth for themselves is somewhat ambiguous, but their plans fail, William destroyes the New Syndacite, leaving only CSM and Monica left . A.D. Kersh shuts down the X-Files for the third time, wether to protect Mulder and Scully or the FBI is unknown, but with Mulder and Scully on the run to track down William, Skinner redems himself by aligning with Mulder and Scully and in an act of redemption, looses his life protecting Mulder, Scully and William from Monica and CSM, but not before taking Monica out, leaving only Mulder, Scully, William and CSM left in a very intimate and final showdown. We finally see CSM's true colours when he kills Mulder in cold blood, only to reveal that he in fact killed William. Mulder witnessing this, is finally is able to pull the trigger and end CSM once and for all. With only Mulder and Scully left, Mulder states, "what an I if not a father?" Reafeming that William and Scully were all that really mattered to him at this point in his life. Scully gives him hope by revealing that although William is gone, that she is with child, his child. This is excellent closure. The world may continue to turn, but Samantha's story was resolved, the colonists are gone, CSM is dead, the world is safe, for now and although the X-Files may or may not remain open, both Mulder and Scully are finally at peace with it, ready to start a new chapter in their life with the hope of a new child, their child. This finalie even subtlety adds closure to Scully's dogmatic mythology in that the opening title implies that William is the second comming of Christ and alas we see him reserected from the water in the final scene. Although this finalie did not go out with an action packed bang like Independence Day, or filled with cameos like the season 9 finalie, it was perfect in the sense that this is where they were in their journey, it truly was the end of the line, nothing left to uncover, nothing left to prove, other than onle final confontation with CSM. Once this was concluded, Mulder and Scully were truly ready to close the book on the X-Files and begin a new chapter. This was truly closure for them. Yes there were suttle and ambiguous plot points that leave the door open for future X-Files , but should this be the end, Chris did what so many great and not so great series have failed to do time and time again, he respected the 25 year journey X-Files fans have been on and gave us closure, with open ended possibilities. This is no small feat. Thank you X-Files, what an amazing ride!!!
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