The X-Files: My Struggle IV (2018)
Season 11, Episode 10
Seriously? That's what I get after 25 years?
22 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I have been a hard core fan of The X-Files since 93 and I couldn't be more disappointed. Ending with a cliffhanger again, even though Gillian Anderson already stated she is not doing it anymore. So what are you going to do? Going to keep doing it without Scully? It's completely disrespectful to the fans, specially the ones like me that devoted so much time and money to this series. I was hoping you had a minimum of respect for the fans, specially the hard core ones, the ones that kept the series alive all this time and brought it back after all these years and would give us a decent ending. This episode had no plot whatsoever, it was just running. Monica Reyes died in the stupidest way possible after having her back in the stupidest character storyline ever. She deserved a lot better. CSM died yet again, but hey after he got a missile in the eye and survived, his dying doesn't mean much. In the old series the mythology got so convoluted to the point that nobody knew what was going on, not even the writers. Apparently CC and the gang didn't learn the lesson, they created a new mythology and the tradition of just adding conflict and resolving nothing is still there. I sincerely from the bottom of my heart hope you already have a movie deal or GA was just kidding when she said she wouldn't do it anymore, because Mulder and Scully deserve a lot better than what you gave them. We deserve a lot better than what you gave us.
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