Pretty Terrible, but some good ideas
22 March 2018
Fate/Apocrypha is all around pretty terrible. from beginning to end, the story is confused, the dialogue is pretty bad and drags on forever in some episodes, there's very little consistency within the series or without the series and the directing is largely flat and boring and squanders the otherwise good animation and music. If you know the Fate franchise well, this series is going to be tough to sit through because there is little consistency to Fate/Stay Night, Fate/Zero, etc, so figuring out what is and is not carried over from those shows is going to be a pain. If you don't know Fate very well, I still can't recommend this series because a lot of information goes completely unexplained, assuming that you know the source material. The characters are generally pretty interesting, but all but 3-4 of them have incredibly weak executions and second halves. A lot of the character designs are cool, but nonsensical, the best characters get the least screen-time and the power creep is through the roof. There are a lot of competent ideas in this show, but for the most part, they never make the best of them and i can't really give the show credit for how good it could have been. With the sole exception of Episode 22, one of the greatest episodes of anything i have ever watched which single handedly raises this show from a 1/10 to a 2/10, the show averages a 2.5/10 for each episode. The only thing that i can recommend about this show is the action, but only about 75% of it is any good and there's so much stupid and boring in between fights that i can hardly see anybody in it for the action bothering to sit through it. If you're just looking for something to distract you while you wait for something better, i guess it does the job, but if you like to engage with and think about the things you watch, this show is going to drive you insane. The only reason i'd recommend watching this whole show is so that you can have all of the context to appreciate Episode 22, otherwise take a pass and save yourself the headache.
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