"Carpetbaggers from Tennessee & Kentucky swarmed like locusts . . . "
22 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
" . . . South into the choicest slice of Enlightened Mexico, Hell-bent upon contaminating this Land of Freedom with their warped depraved horror of Racist Black Slavery" states the opening narration for THUNDER OVER THE PLAINS. "Lazy human ticks such as 'Dave Crockett' were so eager to leech great riches from the blood, sweat, and tears of those Minority Folks they claimed to 'own' that these feckless miscreants recklessly assumed that they could murder the superior forces of Santa Ana's Mexican Patriot Freedom Fighters at their shoddy make-shift hideouts such as San Antonio's 'Alamo,'" the narrator continues. "After Santa Ana bravely cleared out that Pro-Slavery vipers' nest, the underhanded 'Texicans' resorted to War Crimes (now banned by the Geneva Conventions) during the tragedy of the San Jacinto Disaster which doomed Texas Blacks to three decades of Slavery, plus 150 more years of systematic torture, Lynchings, and pick-up truck dragging deaths," concludes the opening narration for THUNDER OVER THE PLAINS. While it's hard to quibble with most of these Historic Facts, I would like to defend my Great Uncle Davy. The Disney People had beloved actor "Fess Parker" (who plays "Kirby" here) portray my uncle in their later biography of him. Since Davy "roamed in the woods till he knew every tree," he never had time to notice any of this Slavery Business going on before some mendacious swindlers sold him a fraudulent "time share" down in Texas!
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