Never Thought I'd Root For Radiation
24 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this in passing and thought "How did I miss THAT one?" I've seen great movies on the topic - Threads (amazing), Testament, even the cliche The Day After... so it seemed a treat to find this.

Boy was I wrong. After "meeting" all the characters, I wanted the bombs or the radiation to win. Every single character - kids included - is repellent and detestable. Seriously, I wished I had pompoms and a "Go Nukes Go!" T-shirt on.

The beginning is a lot of unlikable people all hearing news about an impending war with the Soviet Union in the Gulf. SUPPOSEDLY they're all in some sort of "Nuclear War Survival Club" or something, but it's clear from the get-go none of them have a clue what that means. They actually think that "KEEP OUT" signs are a good first defense. Then they have their entire system based on a computer (apparently EMPs were unknown then and TRS-80s with thousands of disks were thought to be Pentagon-esque).

Cliches galore. Rednecks, non-veteran leader with delusions he's a general... at the first news report of explosions in the gulf - DAYS before the EBS goes on - the rednecks start to rape & pillage. News reports talk about "random looting" but everyone is evacuating in an orderly, nonchalant manner.

I won't go into every sordid detail. it's just drekscheisse. THREE OUTSTANDINGLY AWFUL THINGS TO WATCH OUT FOR: The "comic relief" buddy. Bobcat Goldthwaite. The kids at the end holding hands & surrounding a dead man after saying how much they hate war. Yes, it's THAT excrementally bad.

Get some drinks, snacks, and snarky friends & have a Riff Party for this dog.
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