I can't spoil what happens in this title
25 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
"Skooled!", the preview for this made it look like it was going to be an episode about Pony Head and the St. Olga's school and wouldn't be of much importance. Instead, it was anything but! This episode much more importantly features Miss Heinous, er Meteora taking back her school. She's becoming literally more monstrous all the time. We get scenes of her with such great power. She even manages to rip off Pony Head's horn! ***1/2

"Booth Buddies", I remember going on Alex Hirsch's Twitter page where he said he would be a guest star in this episode. It's funny because I remember an interview where he said he supported Starco (Star X Marco). This episode features them in a photo booth where Star is dissatisfied with her pictures with Marco. With the last of their money on one last, they actually....(drumroll) FINALLY KISS! I have been waiting for years for this moment ever since the show started! I'm so glad we finally address Star's crush on Marco and it was so worth it to see them finally make out! ****
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