Alfred Hitchcock Presents: The Cuckoo Clock (1960)
Season 5, Episode 27
Well done,
28 March 2018
Do you review these for the times or using today's criteria which will, of course, be obsolete in the future?

Reviewing it for the times, it is well done, especially considering the short episode time frame. The acting is good, the plot well written and the ending twist good, if predictable (most Hitchcock twists are predictable, but still enjoyable).

Personally, I would have liked a more complete ending, a denouement or even Hitchcockian epilogue with the resolution, but perhaps that is just my hope that it didn't turn out as obviously as it was left.

Reviewing it for the current times, 2018, the acting is a bit much, not very subtle. The mentally ill is especially over the top. The writing is average and the plot is politically incorrect and not socially acceptable. It would never be written today, nor produced. The ending twist is still decent.

I find it arrogant to review it for the current times, the current sensibilities will soon be forgotten and replaced by smug, superior, self-righteous ideals (sarcasm intended). Productions should be reviewed relative to the times when they were produced. Many productions that are looked down on now were quite progressive in their own time, and certainly were part of the progression that lead to what we have today.
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