Surprisingly Entertaining / Fun
28 March 2018
Is this really a 7 star movie? Nah... probably not... It is certainly cheesy... but in terms of entertainment / fun value, I actually really enjoyed it...

IMDB says the budget for this was $56k??? I find that really hard to believe... I mean, it's got Fred Williamson... he's done a TON of movies and TV shows... If the budget really was $56k? This movie deserves like 10+ stars...

So... what to expect from this sort of Mad Max meets the zombie apocalypse? A whole bunch of cheesy lines and dialogue, but with some actual reasonable acting... Surprisingly decent special effects ( except for a couple CGI explosions, which could have used some help ) Some surprisingly good fight choreography & stunt work Pretty good camera work / lighting / audio A fast paced moving story with a moderate amount of suspense & plenty of action A fair amount of zombie gore as well as a pile of zombies and evil raider people ( another reason, why I'm floored at the low budget... they had a TON of extras in this movie... and quite a few with "o...k..." makeup... )


One side note... The opening text was hilariously bad... looked like a 1980's computer font intro... and the soundtrack sounded like it was ripped off a 1990's action flick or something... hahaha...


In any case... I don't believe this movie was meant to be a "serious" zombie flick... I actually thought this movie was a lot of fun to watch... sure, there are a lot better zombie flicks out there... but there are a TON of worse ones too... I'm sticking with 7 star...
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