Review of Jealous

Jealous (2017)
Painful film about an unlikeable character
30 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Nathalie teaches literature in an academy and treats everyone except her students horribly. She's horrible to her ex-husband, her best friend, her daughter, her neighbours and her colleagues. They all put up with it for varying lengths of time, although it's never clear why they were friends in the first place or why she's being so horrible now. There is a GP who suggests that it's menopause, but then offers no further guidance or treatment. Nathalie herself certainly takes no responsibility for her own actions or mental health. In fact, she seems fairly indifferent to the sad path her life is taking, which was exactly how I felt.

What's baffling about this film is that the problem lies with the script. The acting is fine, the direction competent, but the character of Nathalie as it's written is appalling and there is no progression for any of the characters throughout the film. A few people in the French Film Festival audience laughed at the jokes, so maybe it appeals to some people, but this film left me absolutely cold.
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