The Titan (2018)
Fantastic allegorical story
31 March 2018
Not sure why it is getting bad reviews but I thought this film was fantastic. The year is 2048. NASA finally figures out a way to prepare humans for space exploration so that they could survive on the Moon Titan, the place where humans will colonize in order to solve Earth's starvation and overpopulation crisis. Titan was chosen because of its nitrogen rich river valleys, because nitrogen can be converted into breathable oxygen.

I think the reason why the movie is considered boring is because there's a lot of sci-fi technobabble in it about genes and enzymes and lab experiments, with little plot. The writers focused on the sci-fi in place of drama but I found it interesting because beneath the surface this is a film about transhumanism and the attempt to guide the evolution of mankind so that humans may be able to walk on Titan, as in consciousness/intelligence expansion. The name Titan is another word for Gods and it was the only thing that gives mankind "HOPE," to overcome the turmoil on Earth and survive as a species and that is to evolve mankind into the stars.
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