Dilan 1990 (2018)
A Romantic Love Story based on Best Seller Novel by Pidi Baiq
31 March 2018
This is probably the most popular movie in 2018. Since the movie release on cinemas at Jan 25th 2018, it's been trending on the social medias and everyone been talking about this movie. Like the title, this movie set in 1990, where Dilan met Milea in high school. The cheesy but sweet romantic words from Dilan to Milea are ones of the movie highlights. Iqbaal Ramadhan and Vanesha Prescilla are success to potray Dilan and Milea, their chemistry in this movie are really convincing. Iqbaal whose been underestimated before, can prove that he is the right one for Dilan character. Lots of people from different generation are really enjoy the movie. It is the movie that you can watch repeatedly and never get sick of. Me personally have watched this movie 5 times and some people even have watched more than 30 times. Isn't that sick? No wonder why this movie gets approx 6,3M viewers in less than 3 months. And even it is already out from the Indonesian cinemas, some of the "Dilanisme" (Dilan fans) still manage to put the movie back in cinema and watch it again. Dilan 1990 has captured a lot of people hearts. And i hope it will happen again in the next Dilan movie, Dilan 1991. I just can't wait.
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