Butterflies (2018)
Good entertainment, fun film.
5 April 2018
I'm not going to pretend I'm a film critic, a student studying film or anyone else who has any authority on deeming films to be good or bad. I'm just a film savvy average Joe.

I loved this movie because it was good fun, and that's what this movie was about. It's not trying to be anything other than fun. It's one of the few films where you can get a good laugh from one scene and tear-up in grief from another one. Acting was solid, situations seemed relatable. Except for some obviously tongue-in-cheek moments, the comedy wasn't absurd (as is usual in Turkish comedies) Good drama, some very emotional scenes, and good comedy were blended very well in my opinion. The story built suspense and the director trolls the audience hard.

All in all, a very enjoyable film, money well spent, and a very welcome addition to Turkish cinema.
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