Peace Breaker (2017)
Terrible reproduction from the original Korean thriller
5 April 2018
The reversion is a terribly scripted, poorly directed and laughable acted product. Aaron Kwok did a poor job to play the corrupt detective role from the very beginning, his acting was just horrible; rigid, exaggerated and pretentious. He is supposed to be an A-list actor and a star, but in this film, he only showed what he was short of.

The locality had moved to the southeast Asia. Tryng to avoid hitting a dog then hit a human instead was the only watchable segment. Then the ridiculous unreasonable scenes started to come up one after another. Picking up the corpse and putting into his trunk was the most ridiculous scene that only conveniently served the following up ridiculous consequential scenarios and plots, unavoidably push this film into a very painful viewing. The screenplay was such a weak and moronic script, full of unnatural flaws and plot holes big enough to drive a truck through. Terrible through and through, man.
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