The Titan (2018)
Honestly? It's like two different movies.
7 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I dont know how to describe this movie. The beginning is interesting, the scenes are well shot, visuals are interesting. All of this applies to this movie. Until about halfway. Then things start getting really stupid.

At the halfway point the director seems to suddenly hit every cliche that has been established. Stupid scenes of people dying? Got it. Stupid scenes of an "evolved species"? Got it. Stupid rebellion and escape scene? Got it. Stupid scene where main characters trick the "bad guy"? Got it. Extremely ridiculous ending? Got it. By the way, lets throw in a random "super power" that we got people to somehow gain by evolving right at the ending. Yup, got that too.

Honestly, it's like two different people wrote the script, and neither of them talked to each other. One thought the movie was going to build up to something meaningful, so he wrote the first half. The other guy thought he was remaking Predator/Rambo/Superman, and he wrote the second half.
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