Grey's Anatomy: One Day Like This (2018)
Season 14, Episode 17
Finally a really strong episode this season!
7 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This whole 2017/2018 TV season has been a bit of a disappointment for me so far and Grey's Anatomy has been no exception. Hardly any of the characters interest me, the storylines even less so and the newest batch of interns could go die a long slow death as far as I'm concerned.

As to the news that Arizona and April are going to be written out at the end of the season? This does surprise me and disappoint me, especially regarding Arizona. She used to be one of my favourite characters until things became a bit ridiculous with her missing leg and her cheating. But still I lived in hope that I would love her again. As to April, she has always been one of my least favourite characters, even when the show was good so I'm glad in a way that she is being written out - I didn't think she could get more annoying but that was before she became a party girl!

Having said all of that, I loved this episode even if one third of it focused on April. I loved the way she lashed out and blamed Bailey and was invested in her patient and the scene where she played along and pretended to be Eli's wife whilst he died was heartbreaking.

I loved Meredith's storyline. Meredith is pretty much the only reason I watch the show for nowadays and although the ending of the whole Riggs/Meredith storyline has my head spinning even now, I live in hope that she will find a love interest again. Her flirtation with her transplant surgeon patient was a perfect teaser. I would be very happy if Nick Marsh ended up becoming a recurring character although I suspect that hope may be futile. Great ending scene between Alex/Meredith and the flashback look over the shoulder to the bar door.

And then there's the whole Owen/Teddy vignette. Now let's make it clear: after Meredith Grey, Teddy Altman is probably my favourite Grey's character and Henry/Teddy will always be one of my favourite couples. Owen/Teddy I kind of didn't mind back in the Cristina days when Cristina was in my bad books but Henry is always going to be the perfect match for Teddy.

When it looked like Owen/Teddy were going to get their happy ever after at the start of this episode, I didn't have any strong feelings after all Henry is dead and the Owen/Amelia marriage has to be one of the worst pairings in 14 years of Grey's (and that's saying something!) but then the plot twist happened as I was all like "yeah, you go Teddy! Call him on his crap! Don't be second best!". I loved it when she shouted at him that he didn't ever get to talk about Henry. The only thing that disappoints me about the way this ended is that I am pretty sure there's no way Teddy/Kim Raver will ever get to come back to the show and that makes this Teddy fan sad.

Finally a really strong episode this season!
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