Rates #1 Best Bad Movie
8 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Fantastic MST-3000 type of entertainment. The movie was made to be bad. They used stock footage from a 35 mm Dinosaur movie and brilliantly integrated it with modern super VHS film. It worked so well with Forrest Gump, how could it go wrong? The man who wrote the script didn't want the job and expected the script to be rejected. The director was not pleased because he was told he would write the script. The movie was filmed in the woods during an entire weekend behind the director's home in Ohio. This made it real easy to splice the film with dinosaur stock footage shot in a rocky desert. There were a couple of errors, such as the power lines in the background during the crash scene, and the mike being visible while they were eating leaves. But that was it- honest. There were also TWO plot twists at the end!!!

The dialouge was bad and funny as was the acting. While not rated, it has no f-bombs, nudity, or sex. There is some talk of sex and the word b@st@rd is used. The beginning of the movie has the top 10 reasons why this is a bad film. A full 71 minutes long, although it did seem longer.
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