The Rizen (2017)
11 April 2018
Before I start this a couple of caveats.

Not the highest budget film recently. So keep expectations lowish. Dialogue- Oh dear. Beyond cheesy into incompetence territory But still- I liked it. Why?

Atmosphere. With what appears to be a budget based on a 12 year olds pocket money, dialogue that at times just seems like random words put together and the principal actors obviously hamming it up in parts - it kinda works.

Okay theres no Oscar nomination in the offing, but with a set that seems to consist of 1 room and 1 corridor, plus a couple of outside shots in the wood nearest the production companies still pulls off suspension of disbelief.

Manages to convey a kind of Hellraiser/Cuthlu mythos sort of vibe despite its shortcomings. Then it pulls off the ultimate movie trick of setting you up for a sequel but still giving enough closure where you can accept the ending as is.

Dont get me wrong, its no classic. But worth your time from the very conscious uber violent creature kill scenes to the OTT ending.

AND its got Aid .Edmondson
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