Sensational is the least to say about it.
14 April 2018
My goodness how much i was moved by the story,, I'm not sure of it was based on a somewhat true events after the Korean war, but i'd say it is probable , i mean now a days we hear of people selling their organs out of poverty .

The script was well written ,, the comedy part was witty and light while injected into a strong emotional drama ,, even though the movie was about two hours , the events felt like skipping so fast and at some point with high level of tension till we reached the end where i was really about to tear up.

The cast was well picked,, before this i watched Jung-woo Ha in Along with the Gods: The Two Worlds which was produced two years after this :D but anyway ,, he was amazing, which what encouraged me find this movie in the first place and watch it.

Final thought ,, It's highly recommended ,, and don't be scared , it won't point out any historical slow boring events whatsoever ,, so watch it now ;)
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