Review of Wrath

The Walking Dead: Wrath (2018)
Season 8, Episode 16
The New World Begins
16 April 2018
To me, it's always intriguing to watch a show that is so divisive yet still so beloved make some really bold choices. The Walking Dead has either gone out of its way to make bold choices or make the audience feel like they are avoiding making the bold choices over the years. It's often difficult to determine what the exact direction this show is going to take. With that said, tonight's episode felt like the show wanted to make a bold statement at the end of an era, but still didn't have the guts to really change the course of the show.

Let's start with the obvious thing to note which is that no one of note actually died in this episode. Sure, perhaps it's not like any character needs to go, but it's certainly something this show has made a note to do every year at the end. Plus, I don't read the comics or anything, but I'm pretty sure from what I read that more people perish during All Out War than shown on the show.

But putting that aside, I was a bit mixed on this finale. On one hand, it's a fascinating thing that the show did decide to keep Negan alive, like in the comics. To me, it just didn't seem like something that would make sense for the show to do. I love the Rick/Negan dynamic and I think it opens the door for more of this next year, but I still find it strange that we have to deal with more Negan in coming seasons. Much like Negan, Eugene is someone who I never wanted to be redeemed, especially after the 78th time he had a chance to escape last week. With that said, it's nice to see that he at least did something good to help the Survivors for once. But i truly don't care for that character anymore.

Was it just me or did the final fight seem a little bit anticlimatic as well. I get it, it's supposed to be surprising seeing it all end so quickly and Negan be betrayed. But i was just expecting a little more. But it was pretty powerful to see Rick turn to the crowd of both Saviors and his own people and give that speech, amidst the wrath coming from Maggie. Which, speaking of brings another dynamic to next season. Maggie, Jesus, and Dary planning to show Rick that they need to kill Negan? Do we really need that subplot next season? Like seriously? And how does this make any sense for Jesus to be involved with?

On a slightly side note, I loved that Dwight didn't meet his end and was allowed to drive off (essentially into the sunset) and look for his wife who left the Sanctuary over a year ago. That was a really touching moment for a character who has gone through so much in such a short period of time on the show. We will miss you Austin Amelio, but I'm sure glad that you got your own sort of happy ending.

I'm not sure what sort of direction the show goes next year, but I'm looking forward to seeing the changes that are made. Heck, I guess they did lose one character, that being Morgan. I did tune into his crossover and I think he definitely deserved a better send off than the one he got (but really didn't get). But even knowing that, it sure looks like both shows in this universe are taking an entirely different approach to their respective seasons, and I can't really argue with that.

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