Soon to be a Cult Classic
16 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Raw. Just totally raw and totally realistic portrayal of the Rogues Gallery characters who finally get to come alive. I wasn't expecting to see this level of mature content on a DC or Marvel animated movie. Although Justice League Dark at the edges. Its awesome to see DC allow, Burnett & Liu to portray these characters the way they are supposed to be and not some PG rated, watered down version of themselves to please the masses. Although, I love what has been put out so far, but this movie stands out as a no-holds-barred mature Vertigo level content. Liu handles Burnett's writing with joyous humor and an artistic license that you are blown even before the credits role. Both figuratively and visually by the direction of the story. I am so glad I decided to watch this. It reminded me of Deadpool and Logan. Taking two dimensional characters and breathing life into them in this fashion got my heart pumping. More of this and less of the PG stuff. I am glad that DC allowed this level of maturity for an animated feature. Maybe they realized there are enough PG content out there to please the new viewers and that decade long time fans like me, want some maturity in our animated stories too. Hell, manga has been doing it for decades. Now it seems that American comics is catching up, finally.

All, I want to say is more of this please, DC.

One more thing, Harley has some of the best lines, which made up for her not having that mush to do in the movie. Maybe we need a similar mature story with Harley and Ivy as the lead to balance this out.

Thank you, Sam and Alan. You made a fan of 28yrs and a 44yrs old very happy.
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