Oklahoma City (2017)
A very tragic situation for innocent children on both sides :(
17 April 2018
Anytime you have Abrahamic separatists zealots fighting the government that's been infested with Leftists(Clintons & Branch Davidians going head to head)children will be caught in between & end up losing their lives in most cases.

The children in Waco, nor the ones in Oklahoma City had to die. Thanks to unreasonable adults, both groups of children suffered & lost their lives. I was raised in an Abrahamic cult too, the J.W.'s(AKA Watchtower Bible & Tract Society). They always beat it into our brains as children "that everything the government does is from Satan" & "this World is Satanic too". And then my eldest sister's Leftist friends were always calling government folks "an evil that needs to be reigned in, we need to be more like Cuba & share with one another & less like Capitalist scum".

See neither side is right to a thinker(both groups are fifth column scums IMO), I'm sure that the J.W.'s would never go all Waco on anyone(they're controlling, but very cowardly), but it did feel like we were in Jonestown being forced to be part of their operation, they're not benign at all!

We were not allowed to have birthdays(I was made to sit in the hallway during birthday parties), holidays, participate in sports, no going to our proms or college either, also if you're in need of a blood transfusion forget about it, it's not allowed!

We also get genitally mutilated as kids(I hated that the most) it's a complete case of evil being inflicted on innocent children. I also got my *** kicked as a kid when when I got caught talking on the phone with a cute girl that was a none J.W., a totally insane group of people IMO & experience.

Now as an adult I want nothing to do with either group, I'm very middle of the road now & don't feel like losing my life over the aspirations of madmen. I only wish that whole situation didn't happen. Too many children get caught in the crossfire. Janet Reno, Bill Clinton & David Koresh were unable to see another's point of view.

That's at the root of most tragedies today, inflexible people that have no place in a modern society. We can make a better future for all of us if we choose rational thought over anti-life dogma!
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