Really sad that its based on real life natural disasters but its very powerful
21 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I tell ya, this series would really frustrate and sadden you with the amount of stress the poor children had to face without their parents and the fact we get to experience the aftershocks. Since we don't get earthquakes here in Ireland, its hard to know what an earthquake would actually involve after it does its destruction. It all does remind you of the Fukushima earthquake that happened 2 years later after this series was aired. Although it wasn't a 8.0 magnitude, it was a 6.6 magnitude. Still its really heartbreaking, I mean you could see in recent years that the indian ocean and the Haiti earthquakes had a lot of damage been done too! No one ever deserves to experience mother nature being destructive. Unfortunately thats how earth life works!

Lets get talking about this brilliant series, I honestly thought Mari was wonder woman for the two children, she had such a heart of gold in looking after them and trying to find their parents with them. I swear, I think she deserves a freedom of the city key for her kindness and bravery. Like you would think a single mum would only think of her child but not other peoples kids. However she just made herself such a role model and puts other people first as well as her child. I wouldn't consider the character to not think about her kid, she thought of her kid all the way through this series and made sure that everyone was safe. She definately has some nerve lol!

I cried like so hard when Yutaka died, he was such a sweet character. You do wish he was your little brother because he was so positive and he wasn't like other little boys who would talk back at their siblings whenever they said anything nasty to them. Although Mirai was such a negative thinker, you kinda understand her situation. The parents were always working too hard so they were never able to spend quality time with the kids. I say it is frustrating and lonely for the pair of them to not have the parents around that much. In the end like, you could see the parents regret and you feel bad for them because they weren't able to give the children much thought. It was really devastating that they now have guilt over their heads since little Yutaka died and the fact, Mirai has no little brother to talk to anymore. Aw man, I really really wish we could see a happy ending here but unfortunately its not the case in this one...

Get your tissues out folks or even have 10,000 of them beside, this anime is a real tearjerker! Please have your siblings by your side folks and tell them that you love them even if you annoy each other a lot <3
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