Kolchak: The Night Stalker: The Youth Killer (1975)
Season 1, Episode 19
Kolchak: "The Youth Killer"
23 April 2018
PLOT: Kolchak links the curious deaths of some aged people to a statuesque dating service entrepreneur (Cathy Lee Crosby) whom he suspects is maintaining her beauty by sacrificing young men & women to the Greek Goddess Hecate.

COMMENTARY: The concept is interesting and I like the Helen of Troy angle, but the execution is rather pedestrian with not enough highlights despite the potential. Crosby is fitting as the antagonist, but she never tripped my trigger. Regardless, it's refreshing to have a police captain who's affable toward Kolchak rather than curmudgeonly. John Fiedler appears as morgue attendant Gordy the Ghoul for the third and final time.
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