The 7th Floor (2013)
Utter non-sense in a hole-festival
28 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The movie started very well, with a beginning announcing a good thriller. But too little context and a nonsensical plot ruins the movie. There are too many holes and inexplicable events, in a movie with undeveloped characters, not very good acting, and a fast and disappointing end based in a huge deus-ex-machina.

Spoilers from here:
  • To me, the worst part is the police action. Sorry, compañeros, if the police work this way in abduction cases in Argentina: no investigation, nor during kidnapping neither aftermath, a supposed well seasoned policeman completely clueless, no investigation of possible suspects, action at all.
  • Kids vanished in a building without evidence that actually abandoned the building, and the police didn't secure the entries, didn't look for the kids or clues in the building and apartments,...nothing. Just doing that, they would found the kids really fast.
  • Holes regarding the accomplices of the wife in the abduction.
  • Holes regarding why the hell the mother wanted to do it. It was clear that money was not motivation. Just to take the kids and flee to Spain without opposition of the father? To destroy the career of the father? Maybe she went too far.
  • Your ex wife kidnap your kids and ruin your job, and you just leave her go?.
  • No context that explain why the mother would wanted to plot that. A revenge for what?

Ricardo Darin, as usual, performed a solid interpretation (that's why I rated 5 out of 10). The others, specially the kids and Belen Rueda, were just ok. Maybe the fact that they all were undeveloped, plain characters, without clear explanations or motivations harmed their interpretation.

Overall is a bad movie with a good beginning ruined by a nonsensical plot evidencing very little thought by the writers.
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