Masters of Horror: The V Word (2006)
Season 2, Episode 3
The V stands for ghouls
1 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This episode has a low ratings and is predominantly bashed in reviews, but I like it. I like that it refuses to blindly hold onto the vampire mythos and, unlike most of the vampire films and series that romanticize them, this film presents them in a completely different light, more realistic and more convincing. If the vampires really existed, I believe that they would be much closer to this view than any other I had the opportunity to see before. The story is more or less a classic horror cliché, but the acting and directing are excellent and the atmosphere in the first part of the film is very dark and tense. In the second part, tense anticipation is replaced by explicit horror scenes, well-measured to achieve a horror effect, but to avoid sliding from the domain of a terrifying into plain stupid. If they were able to keep it straight to the very end, this would be a top-notch episode, but unfortunately they slipped and made a couple of unforgivable mistakes. Although the vampires in this film, apart from the fact that they are living dead, do not feature supernatural qualities - there is no superhuman strength and speed, no fangs or immediate recovery from injuries, they are not beautiful and seductive, and with their appearance and the way they feed they more resemble ghouls than the vampires we are accustomed to - the allergy to garlic and spontaneous combustion in the sunlight do not fit into this picture and irreversibly destroy the credibility of the story. And there is also the end that resolves the situation in a way that is more appropriate or a drama than a horror. However, the overall impression is positive and I think that this episode is worth a look.

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