1 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Mr. Alexander (Steven Seagal) is an ex-government agent who learned "things" in the mountains of Thailand. He is now the crime boss over the city of Albuquerque. Iceman (Ving Rhames) has recently got out of prison and is challenging Alexander, who simply wants to be bought out honorably. In what passes for a Seagal subplot, Roman Hurst (Bren Foster)who works for Alexander, gets double crossed by Iceman and is forced to retire, losing the use of his hands- somewhat, but he can still slow motion kickbox. He now lives in a room off a diner owned by Alexander and run by Jimmy Peanuts (Danny Trejo). The waitress (Jenny Gabrielle) becomes a focal point, because that is where the crime boss likes his girlfriend to work.

The plot, like Seagal is straight forward. Trejo supplies us with a surprise, but the plot is not twisty. The tough guy dialog is cliche, using lines like, "You broke the code." Seagal is a bad guy who kills people, but commands with over doses of corny respect speeches. At one point Seagal sits down and describes his gun collection, giving us the advantage points of each piece, topping it off with "Isn't that amazing."

I found this to be a better quality Seagal film, as he is not in every scene and shares with Rhames and Trejo.
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