Spite Flight (1933)
Melodramatic air race
3 May 2018
Ub Iwerks's Willie Whopper series of cartoons was short-lived, only lasting a year from 1933 to 1934. On the most part the Willie Whopper cartoons are not great or cartoon/animated masterpieces and it is sort of understandable as to why Willie didn't make it bigger. However they are far from terrible ones either and do amuse and charm.

1933's 'Spite Flight' is the third cartoon in the Willie Whopper series, after 'The Air Race' and 'Play Ball' also from 1933, and turns out to be a very decent and interesting effort although lacking in originality. This is coming from somebody who has only just gotten acquainted with the series as a huge animation fan. It is amusing and cute providing that one doesn't expect a masterpiece or too much.

'Spite Flight' may be on the formulaic side with conflict that is somewhat predictable, it is agreed that it does read more of a more melodramatic variation of Willie's debut cartoon 'The Air Race'.

Willie himself is slightly bland, though it is very early days still. The animation sometimes lacks finesse especially in some of the drawings.

However, there is some nice background detail and inventive little things. The music is energetic and characterful with appealing orchestration. The cartoon goes at a lively pace, has an appealing charm and the tale is wonderfully outlandish.

While not hilarious, 'Spite Flight' has a lot of very amusing and sweet little laughs which makes it entertaining. The ending especially. Although slightly bland, Willie avoids being annoying and he avoids being sickly sweet as well, fairly likeable. The supporting characters are a lively bunch.

Summing up, decent. 6/10 Bethany Cox
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