NCIS: Royals & Loyals (2010)
Season 8, Episode 4
It happens much too often
8 May 2018
McGee pushes a few keys on his keyboard, and Voila! He's hacked into a (supposedly) super secure data base at another government agency, the CIA no less. Are viewers actually naïve enough to believe it? Okay, so it's just a TV show with a 40 minute time limit (it says an hour but of course 20 minutes of that are for commercials) and things have to happen in overdrive due to time constraints. But making it that easy to hack the CIA was simply laughable. Even more laughable is the fact that McGee has hacked into so many data bases and no one is the wiser. Are our country's data bases that easy to hack in to? And so easy to avoid detection? And of course there is Abby, who also churns out results in overdrive speed. As she said one an episode some years back, "You can't rush science, Gibbs." Yet in episode after episode Abby rushes science to get extra fast solutions.

It was actually a pretty good plot (although a rework of other plots) and the bad guy/girl got caught. But the warp speed deductions/detections/solutions are really getting old.
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