11 May 2018
Finally got done processing my time at Tribeca this year (and my 7th trip to the festival). I always try to see as much as I humanly can when I go to NYC and this year was no exception. but allow me to cut to the chase, Sam Boyd's directorial debut In A Relationship was not only the best film I saw at Tribeca, It's the best romantic comedy I've seen in years. I bought tickets for the premiere initially based on the fact that I am a huge Patrick Gibson fan. Upon entering the theater I could sense an energy in the audience that started to hint at the fact that this was a film people were so excited to see. Sam Boyd's directors introduction was hilarious and endearing at the same time. I could tell he had put his heart and soul into what we were about to see and by the time the opening credits began to roll I knew I was there for more than just Patrick Gibson. (No slight to Gibson, his performance was easily the films best) But the writing... THE WRITING! This film had a soul written into it that reminded me of Reality Bites... or maybe the first time I saw Garden State. It is that type of youthful film that feels so natural and effortless in it's energy. Heartbreaking, hilarious, wickedly funny, I loved Boyd's depiction of life in Los Angeles. I am 43 now and although this film did make me feel somewhat old (hate to admit that) I loved it for that reason. It brought those mid 20s feeling rushing right back. GOD DAMN! thank you for that, In A Relationship. What a ride. I'll be seeing this again as soon as it gets a wide release. Oh and before I wrap this up. A funny detail I noticed was that John Candy's son Chris Candy plays a bit roll in this film as the character Ducharme. He was so great. Total natural comedian just like his dad.
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