Marked Trails (1944)
Monogram out-did itself with the excellent script, directing, and cast
11 May 2018
Director J.P. McCarthy gave us some unusual moving-camera angles, including from atop a stagecoach, and he gave us quite a moving script, with co-writer Victor Hammond. Cinematography was by Harry Neumann.

While the story might be considered well within the B Western tradition, still it provides twists and turns in the plot, and some unusual moments of emotion, and many memorable characters, played by some of the best Western performers.

Two of the best and busiest B Western stars -- and they really were both stars -- Bob Steele and Hoot Gibson -- led the array, but they were joined by the lovely and talented Veda Ann Borg, whom I had never before seen in a Western.

According to her IMDb bio, she had been seriously injured in an auto accident and had to undergo large-scale facial reconstruction. Her surgeon was an artist. She was beautiful.

"Marked Trails" came along after her surgery, and watching her in this makes one think she should have had many more and bigger roles.

Her last scene was quite striking, as well as quite a fascinating departure for a B Western, a mature and intriguing moment.

Perhaps there have been many Westerns with more violent action, but there was enough here, including fight scenes with the athletic Steele -- who always makes me think he could have been a successful pro boxer -- to keep even us Western addicts happy.

"Marked Trails" is available in a not-very-good print at and I highly recommend it.
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