As good as I hoped
12 May 2018
Full disclosure I was part of the crowd funding for this movie. So understand also that the anticipation has been building for a very long time. Over the years we have been hearing how good the movie turned out but for a large part of us we have only just now got to see the final product. If I wasn't part of the crowd funding for this movie I would have still loved it. It had me laughing the whole way through. So often when trying to make a movie like this it comes across as trying too hard, however in this I think they managed to hit the right balance.

Even though knowing so much about this movie going in didn't spoil it for us, I'm still going to give it some time before discussing some of the finer details. I will say this, you can't make a movie like this without an incredible group of talented people. Missi Pyle was simply phenomenal as always ;). I can't wait to watch this over and over again.
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