Review of Reptile 2001

Reptile 2001 (1999)
Disgusting excuse for a film.
13 May 2018
Call me bias because I love giant monster films. Not only is this a horrific monster film, it's a horrific film in general. My main issue? The acting. It is absolutely disgusting. I feel like if people off the street who have no acting experience were recruited for this movie, they would have done a million times better than the actors in this film. There is no emotion, there is nothing in the dialogue. Fear should not look as if you are reading a teleprompter. It's despicable. Not only that but the plot jumps all over the place. First Yongary is bad, then hes good fighting some kind of crab thing, then hes bad again? We spend 90% of the movie attacking and trying to kill this thing and now hes all of a sudden the friend to all humanity? Also, if we were under an attack like this, the military would call out more than two helicopters.
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