If you grew up in 70's Australia - u'll get a kick out of this film.
14 May 2018
Ok...it's no masterpiece - but this film has genuine LOL moments and truly takes you back to 70's Australia. It makes you wonder how we ever survived our childhood....truly haha. It's so surreal it's hard to believe that really was how we were. First half of the film is great but dies in the second half. Goes from a roller coaster of laughs to dullsville.....and has a stupid ending. Thankfully the first half made it all worthwhile. I'm glad I saw this film....and if you would like to time travel back to the 70's - you will have a hoot. If you were not a child / parent of 70's Australia - not sure what your take on this film would be. But you may still get a kick out of seeing how things were. Great cast.....fun times.
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