Review of Eden

Eden (VIII) (2013)
Nonsensical ridiculousness
17 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not sure how movies like this ever get made. Skimming through the script alone should have saved whatever small budget this movie ended up costing. I should have listened to some of the other reviews. None of the character decisions made any sense. The group was stuck on the island for less than two weeks. Going as crazy as some of the characters went may have been conceivable after a year on the island. Suicide after barely a week on the island? Just one terrible plot decision after another.

With an Eagle Scout in the group (assuming he was telling the truth) they probably could have athered up enough to eat from the sea as Slim seemed to be able to collect enough for a meal after a quick swim. Good grief - if they could figure out how to rig up dew collectors they probably could have rigged up a way to boil water and collect the condensation and had plenty of water from day two... Food and water are obviously necessities and were basically the only source of contention the group faced.

I had to watch this to the end to see if it really was just a dream or if some of the things that happened would be explained. Nope. Just an abrupt end that also didn't make much sense. Everyone was probably tired and decided to put the audience in a sleeper hold to put us out of our misery.

Really terrible...I can't get back that time and don't like spending more time writing about it, but hopefully it will save your turn if you decide to not watch this movie. Wow...I can't believe how dumb it was. I bumped the rating to 2 because the tropical scenery was nice.
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