The Last Hope (2020)
17 May 2018
I was really excited for this movie but was very disappointed when I finally watched it.

The shaky camera made me really dizzy and people's heads were cut off. I had to shut my eyes quite a bit during this movie, especially at the start as the camera was moving way too fast and was all over the place.

I was confused with the story line as it didn't make a lot of sense. There wasn't really any character development and just jumped from one person to the next, without knowing who they were. The lead guy of the group they met, acting was way over the top and forced and it showed he wasn't a very good actor.

I think in future they need to take a step back from their movie and have someone else take a look at it and give them professional advice. Sometimes when you're too close to something you don't see the faults.

I admire their passion for the filming and this moving but I'm hoping this honest feedback helps them for their future movies.
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