Gilligan's Island: The Friendly Physician (1966)
Season 2, Episode 29
Gilligan's mind gets mixed up.
18 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
A takeoff on mad scientist horror films; an above average guest star; and a unique plot should combine to make this episode a classic (or at least a near classic). But it's too silly and adolescent at times, clearly aimed at the younger crowd, and the humor isn't up to par with the cool, creepy atmosphere and the fine acting.

Gilligan and the Skipper open with their standard Laurel and Hardy physical schtick at the lagoon. It's mentioned for the first time since the first season that the castaways light a signal fire every night to attract ships. Their fire finally works, but it brings an odd, cape wearing character in a canoe. He is Dr. Boris Balinkoff, who has arrived to take the lucky castaways back to civilization... after a short layover at a haunted castle.

Balinkoff throws out enough creepy stares and toothy grins to arouse suspicion, but the castaways don't seem too phased by his odd behavior. They may even be purposely overlooking it because they're desperate to be rescued.

He takes Gilligan and the Skip to his castle, and it's as haunted and spooky as The Munsters and Addams Family abodes. The humor falls flat, though, in a standard 'the haunted picture is following me' bit, and in an overlong gag involving a dog that meows. Still, our two co-leads remain oblivious and slow on the uptake that they're in danger.

They stumble through a standard secret passageway into a torture chamber. Outside of a gag with a rack, the tour is padding to kill some time and set up the second act. It finally dawns on the pair that maybe they should escape, but they run straight into the mad scientist. He unveils his plan is to transfer the brain of one human to another-and Gilligan and the Skip are his first two subjects.

The other castaways are equally dense when they are brought by Balinkoff to the castle. They dumbly separate to check out their surroundings; Mr. Howell bumps into the scientist, who reiterates the plan and expands it to Bond-like proportions. Mr. Howell underscores just how loony Balinkoff is to the others, then there is an awkward cut to them all being held captive.

After the unevenness of most of the episode, the final fun five minutes more than makes up for it. Pairs of castaways are thrown randomly into glass booths and undergo brain transference with the simple flip of a switch. Mr. Howell becomes a klutz and Gilligan a stuffed shirt, and so forth. Everyone gets to stretch their acting ability and play another castaway-with the exception of Ginger, who plays henchman Igor. Eventually, the castaways turn the tables on the baddies in an enjoyably silly gag and escape back to the island.

The final gag with Balinkoff's boat is telegraphed a bit but is fitting nonetheless.


Veteran character actor Vito Scotti makes his third appearance on the series after his memorable turn as the Japanese sailor in season one. He does a very funny, typically broad performance as the mad scientist. The character did need more of a backstory, however.

Ginger one ups Mary Ann in the Balinkoff kiss off.

Dawn Wells does an excellent job at portraying the logical, sober Professor.

That's wrestler-turned-actor Mike Mazurki as Igor. He was ex-con Moose Malloy in Murder, My Sweet. When he gets all feminine and into-his-looks after Ginger and he swap bodies, it's a definite hoot.
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