Review of Pari

Pari (I) (2018)
The soul continues to live - remembering the tortures of previous lives!
20 May 2018
Pari - Film Review by Kalyug Briefs

Do watch the film folks!

It is about how badly you get tied down in the web of evil spirits when you take to vices....not necessarily in current lifetime but maybe in one (or many) of the lifetimes - when you give in to evil desires - indulged in the 7 sins - lust, greed, anger, sloth....and those samskars (karmas) stick to your soul for many lifetimes....

Time and again you have to go through the tortures of hell - even while being born on the temporary Earth realm - still you continue to suffer (yea, in spite strict laws and orders and cops and cctvs and all those technological inventions - nothing could intervene with the law of karmas - could it?)

With some light of knowledge, those under the spell of evil spirits try to escape - and this is the story of such an escape! Very difficult indeed! The evil has a huge fraternity after all - they can make life like a hell pit for anyone trying to escape their clutches - this is the story of one such entity - who tried to release her clan from the evil spell - Pari.

Anushka was just excellent!
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