Fast-Paced and Funny
23 May 2018
Dorothy (Jean Kent) is married to a mousey bank teller (Robert Beatty) and leads a quiet life in Naples. Her parents (Margaret Rutherford, Gordon Harker) come for a visit and also dump on the henpeck, even taking over his bedroom and banishing him to the couch. Meanwhile, a local thug, Leo L'Americano, realizes that he is a dead ringer for the bank teller and sets up a plan not knowing that his gang.led by Rosana (Tamara Lees). is planning to kidnap the bank teller. From that point on, no one can tell which guy is which and things get complicated.

Takes a while to get going, but this mistaken identity farce is quite funny and boasts a solid cast. Kent and Beatty are good in the leads. Rutherford and Harker are solid as the parents. Lees is funny as the moll. Rona Anderson plays the maid, Max Adrian is a hoot as the lawyer Catoni, and Danny Green plays Angel Face the escaped convict.
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