WWE Vengeance (2005 TV Special)
An Excellent Show, the Triple Main Event Really Delivered
24 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
2005 was a great year for the WWE, and this was probably the best Pay-Per-View from that year. The undercard was pretty solid and the three main event matches were all great.

Intercontinental Championship Match: Carlito (c) vs. Shelton Benjamin - This was a pretty good opener. These two are good workers and they have nice chemistry. The match was well-wrestled and was given a decent amount of time. Carlito retains the title by pulling the tights. RATING: ***

Edge vs. Kane - Surprisingly, this match was also pretty good. Edge managed to carry Kane pretty well and the match didn't overstay its welcome. Surprisingly, despite Edge's push, Kane gets the win with a Chokeslam. RATING: ***

Shawn Michaels vs. Kurt Angle - This match had a lot to live up to being that it is a rematch to one of the greatest matches of all time, and it really managed to deliver. While not quite as good as their first bout, this was still another amazing match between these two. Their chemistry is still stellar and they really bring each other to their limits. Shawn Michaels gets the win with a Superkick in midair. RATING: ****1/2

Triple Threat Match for the WWE Championship: John Cena (c) vs. Chris Jericho vs. Christian - This was a great triple threat match. All three men worked well together, and the match was filled with plenty of exciting spots. Cena was still getting used to main event status, and he put on a good performance here. John Cena retains the Championship with an FU to Christian. RATING: ****

Hell In A Cell Match for the World Heavyweight Championship: Batista (c) vs. Triple H - While their first two Pay-Per-View matches were above average, their HIAC match is fantastic. It was a great bloody war that moved at a blistering pace and had a brilliant finish. Batista retains his Championship and ends his feud with his former mentor once and for all with a Batista Bomb. RATING: ****1/2

This is a must-own show. It has just about anything a wrestling fan could want in a wrestling event, and it is a great showcase of how good 2005 really was.

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