Review of Scintilla

Scintilla (2014)
Largely incohernet sci fi thriller
26 May 2018
I really didn't have a problem with the basic premise of this movie, even if it has been done to a degree many times before in other movies. What I did object to, however, was how poorly done this particular version was. For starters, the movie moves at a glacial pace. Now, I am not one of those yahoo moviegoers who demands every movie move at a rapid pace from beginning to end; I realize that you do have to take time in a movie to set up the situations and characters. But the movie's first half all the same is way too slow, taking about double the time that another movie would take. Eventually I was asking the movie to simply get on with it.

Actually, despite the slow pace of the first half of the movie, there are some parts of the story where the movie does NOT take its time. There are some very important plot points where desperately needed explanation is needed, but never happened. Whether the script was originally like this, or some important footage got left on the cutting room floor, I can't say for sure. All I can say is that the first half of the movie is extremely confusing.

The second half of the movie is somewhat of an improvement over the first half. The pacing picks up, there is some action, and there is some plot explanation. But is it worth slogging through the first half of the movie? I say no. The movie still fails to engage the viewer, and you'll be counting the minutes before the movie finally ends. I say skip the entire package.
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